

uber, taxi, taxi driver, cctv, revenge, malicious compliance, revenge, reddit

Uber Customer Acts Up During Ride, Driver Gets Perfect Revenge

Got what he deserved
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baby boomers, geese, attack, fight, argument, neighbors, tiktok, cctv

Boomer Neighbors Harass Local Geese, Get A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

Just wrong
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movie theater, cinema, movies, sex, employee, cctv, night vision, tiktok

Movie Theater Worker Reveals Outrageous Reality Of What Staff See During Screenings

It ain't pretty
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supernatural, creepy, scary, cryptid, wendigo, twitter, funny twitter, cctv, captured, weird

Creepy Footage Of A “Cryptid” Running On All Fours Is Giving Everyone The Heebie-Jeebies

Few things bring the internet together like things that scare the crap out of you. Supernatural events and unexplained occurrences are powerful unifiers, whether they are huge mysteries or easily debunked. Veterans of creepypasta may be no stranger to frightening content, but something like this recently surfaced CCTV footage may be enough to freak out even the most hardened souls. CCTV footage captures person dashing on all fours in the dead of night — Alex Eccleston…
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Awkward CCTV

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Looks Like He Got Robbed of His Opportunity to Rob

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Created by ToolBee

Blizzard Attack

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Well That's What Rebellion Gets Ya

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Do You Have An Appointment?

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Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Break )

Just a Little Whiff

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Washed Up Parents' Horrible Fail

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Whoops! Sorry, Wrong Adress ....

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Created by _C_A_T_

Detroit Police are Ok, Too

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That Window Gets Fixed Fast

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