

It's The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog

Funny meme that reads, "He doesn't bite; The pet: ..." above a pic of the Rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Via generic-bot
Funny memes about Queen Elizabeth | Queen Elizabeth dresses like she's about go prom with Steve Harvey | If thought were useless, remember there are guards who guard an immortal person

Fourteen Queen Elizabeth Memes That Will Never Die

She'll never die.
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Funny video of a Dalek from Doctor Who policing the streets to get people to stay indoors

British Police Use A Dalek To Order People To Stay Quarantined

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Funny memes about Mr. Bean, played by Rowan Atkinson | Reddit: praises Keanu Reeves, Danny DeVito, and Elon Musk Rowan Atkinson: | Coronavirus Plague Inc copying on a test

Fourteen Memes In Honor Of The Lovable Mr. Bean

Mr. Beaaaaan!
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Funny tweets from novelty Twitter account 'Very British Problems' | Tweet VeryBritishProblems T@SoVeryBritish "Thanks lot sounds sarcastic "Thanks sounds annoyed "Thanks bunch sounds furious 09/03/2015 19:32 3,145 RETWEETS 3,709 FAVOURITES

Twenty-Two 'Very British Problems' For The Limeys

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Funny dank memes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail entitled, "Who Are You, Who Are So Wise In The Ways Of Science?" | My parents fix their WiFi by turning off and on new scientific study claims fertility is hereditary. If parents didn't have any children, chances are won't either.

Fourteen 'Monty Python' Memes All About Pseudo-Intellect

Memes for the smarty-pantses
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Funny dank meme from 'Top Gear,' entitled "Sometimes My Genius... It's Almost Frightening" Jeremy Clarkson driving | Next time step on Lego will simply get taller bloody genius Sometimes my genius is s almost frightening name cat pspsps so always comes call Sometimes my genius is s almost frightening

Fifteen Dank 'Top Gear' Memes For The Geniuses Among Us

Can you believe this show is from all the way back in 2002?
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Funny screenshots from a website called "Dating Mark," which was made by a guy named Mark who is looking for a date | billboard Date Mark This could be sign been waiting Visit Facts and Stats Height 6ft Length index finger 6.82cm Friends 2 Eye colour 4e4f5f Location Sheffield Shoe size 10 Number Girls Kissed Over 3

Dude Advertises Himself On A Billboard In Order To Get A Date

Mark, we're rooting for you.
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Funny memes about the American Revolutionary War | Nurse: Sir been coma since 1776 can't wait see American Revolution Crushed by might our army. colonists: could stop taxing us British about suck our IMPERIAL NUTS

Revolutionary War Memes For The American History Geeks

We don't get enough American history memes - it's always about those damn Europeans.
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No One Truly Knows How To Say It

Funny AskReddit post asking what's the hardest thing you've had to say to someone is; someone replies with, "worcestershire"
Via Larrilas
Funny memes and moments from the TV show 'Doctor Who'

Fifteen 'Doctor Who' Memes And Moments For The Hardcore Whovians

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Funny british tweets

Distinctly British Tweets That Just Hit Right

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Funny memes and tweets about 'getting ready for Brexit'

Brits 'Get Ready For Brexit' By Mocking It To Shreds

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Funny memes entitled "The Secret Ingredient Is Crime"

'The Secret Ingredient Is Crime' Meme Is A Straight Classic (13 Memes)

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Memes from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'

14 Hilarious Memes From 'Monty Python & The Holy Grail'

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Holy Crap It's So Accurate

Funny Eric Andre meme about how Australians are just British Texans
Via LeoSenior