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20+ Funniest Memes and Reactions to the Tesla 'Cyber Truck' That Epically Roast Elon Musk

The Cyber Truck memes can't stop, won't stop.
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humor twitter FAIL adulting leasing cars driving stupid people roast tiktokers Automobiles leasing-cars roasted funny tiktok - 20290309

Clueless Dude Roasted For Not Understanding How Car Leasing Works

As a non-driver I don't expect to know much about the world of driving and automobile ownership. But there are some things I inherently understand. For example, I know that not enough people employ turn signals, and way too many people employ high-beam lights. Another thing I “get” is that leasing a car means you're essentially renting it long-term. Unfortunately for one TikToker , this knowledge eluded him, and he's now getting roasted to a crisp on Twitter after sharing a video about his shoc…
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