

Funny pics combining J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series with quotes from television comedy Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

These 'Harry Potter' and 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Mashups Are a Meme Match Made In Heaven

File under stuff we didn't know we needed: a Harry Potter/Brooklyn Nine-Nine crossover blog. We are so thankful for the clever person that has been running the Hogwarts Nine Nine tumblr . The combination of Harry Potter scenes and Nine-Nine is deliciously clever - and something we wish we had thought of first. We've been feeling glum since the Brooklyn Nine-Nine series finale aired back in September of 2021 - the banter between the characters is pretty damn unparalleled. But it's comforting kno…
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cute animals memes pics | 2 boys found baby rabbit and its back legs were paralyzed so they built this so he could walk, faith humanity being restored. | sniffing ernoticon datsrad just saved this bby new born deer. and crying bc kept following

27 Animal Memes Cute Enough To Warm Your Frostbitten Hearts

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Funny memes about vloggers, story time | CoolDotCom Friend spilled water on Youtuber: sorry let help clean up Youtuber SAVED MY FRIEND DROWNING Storytime | Barista s Stephanie with ph, right? YouTuber: um yeah 'd know Barista: idk just guessed YouTuber: MY STARBUCKS STALKER STORYTIME

Memes That Roast The Attention-Seeking Ways Of YouTubers

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Funny memes and tumblr posts about america, americans | England: Has anybody seen America? Canada: Hold on got this Canada clears throat* Canada: Where did come where did go America CRASHES THROUGH DOOR* America: WHERE DID COME COTTON EYE JOE | epic handshake with only one arm inches feet fahrenheit USA

21 'Murican Memes & Posts That *Anyone* Can Laugh At

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Wholesome Bob Ross quotes | " guess l'm little weird like talk trees and animals s okay though have more fun than most people."

19 Wholesome Bob Ross Quotes That'll Lift Your Spirits

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cover image meme about Millennial's living and lifestyle | customer service employee: sorry can't do s company policy millennial: aw, ok baby boomer: sin Cos tan y= ax bx x, x b±4 2a as math lady | Guy: millennial fire department Lady: help, my house is on fire Guy: ummm Lady sigh* come thru 's #lit Guy: oh sht omw 100 shutter

17 Millennial Memes That'll Inspire You To Kill Every Industry

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Cringey nice guy memes and moments | women HAVE to have long hair, be skinny, smart (but not smarter than me) and have to know how to cook. Otherwise they'll never have a chance to date a guy like me. Timmy Turner old and balding | drawing illustration of guy about to be cut in half by scissors while offering his heart to a woman who is more interested in a guy giving her money

Cringey Nice Guy Memes & Moments That Are Full Of Facepalm

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army memes, military memes | soldier proposing to woman in front of other soldiers: When you've known her for 10 minutes. surprised pikachu meme Military Doctor: Have you tried ibuprofen? Me: yes Military Doctor: And you're still in pain? Me: Yes Military Doctor:

Military Memes Perfect For 'Embracing The Suck'

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elon musk memes that are funny and will restore your faith | Elon Musk asking for the dankest meme and someone sends how do you do fellow kids with Elon's face on Steve's |  Meme about Elon's hair line which has gotten way better over the years, presumably from some expensive treatment

Roundup Of Elon Musk Memes That'll Restore That Receding Hairline

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Funny twitter meme, "guys really live in apartments like this"

'Guys Really Live In Apartments Like This' Is Our New Favorite Twitter Meme

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Funny roommate horror stories from Twitter.

Roommate Horror Stories That Range From Gross To Certifiably Insane

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Funny random tweets

Funky Tweets That'll Distract You From Your Pain

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Funny starter pack memes, memes, emo kids, school, life, drugs, parents, teachers. | Coffee cup - " don't do drugs" starter pack Can cause addictio three days use only TXLENOL s00 Adult's NUROFEN PLUS TYLENOL 500 Care paracetamo Capts 500 Codeine Lnctus Codeine PROZAC 20 OHE 20mg Valium (Diazepam) Ritalin 10 mg Tablets t0 mg ables 30 tablets Raprdam Motal | Person -  "group assignment" starter pack let's finish next week useless piece shit shy kid 2 girls only talk themselves kid who actually gi

32 Starter Pack Memes That Are Insanely Accurate

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cover image about Catnip affecting cats

14 Funny AF Pics Of Cats Tripping Out On Catnip

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Metal memes, death metal memes, music memes, metalheads.

27 Dank Metal Memes For The True Metalheads

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Funny memes, random memes, funny tweets.

28 Frivolous Meme To Help Kill Your Monday Blues

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