Señor GIF


You Came to The Wrong Neighborhood

yikes chickens turkeys funny - 7895287040
Created by ToolBee

This Doesn't Seem Like The Smartest Thing to Do

yikes gifs alligators critters - 8409503232
Created by ToolBee

Russian Police Ninja GIF

Insane GIF of Russian special forces police raiding a car by kicking in the windshield and then opening all the doors and dragging everyone out.
Created by ToolBee ( Via GIFs )

GIF - Fight Crime With What You Got

GIF from a video game in which someone steals her purse, so woman rips head off other use and throws it to knock down the thief who is then run over by a car and dies.

Ok, Is It Unlocked Now?

Via Relentless Soul

Fire Tornado

extreme fire gifs Image science tornado yikes - 5364421376
Created by ChemoPower

Too Close For Comfort

yikes gifs close call - 8427061248
Created by ToolBee

This Neighborhood Is Falling Apart

building FAIL gifs Image yikes - 5259957760

Explosive Manhole

best of week explosion FAIL gifs Image manhole wtf yikes - 5800033280
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )


car crash close call gifs science yikes - 4558576640

Good Dodge

yikes sports gifs close call boxing - 8004826880
Created by anselmbe

This is What Every Cat Thinks They Do When You Toss Them a Treat

yikes gifs tigers critters Cats meat - 8416957696

This Sink Hole in South Korea is Terrifying

holes yikes FAIL mindwarp gifs sinkholes korea - 8452871936

Russian Street Vendor Anti-Theft System

gifs Image mindwarp russia theft yikes - 6100249600

Man Gets Pranked in Funeral Home

FAIL gifs whoops pranks yikes - 8266323456
Created by cataff ( Via Youtube )

Amazing Rescue in Utah

best of week crash gifs Image The Interwebz yikes - 5199440384
Via SlTrib