Señor GIF


First Person: Cliff Jumping

extreme gifs Image jump water win yikes - 5833502208
Via Youtube

It's a Snake Eat Snake World Out There

nature yikes gifs snakes - 8094880000

Your Phone Isn't That Important

yikes phones FAIL gifs close call trains - 7240499712

GIF The World Champion Dead Lifter Lifts 1155lbs!

GIF of the champion lifting up huge weights on tires.


yikes gifs Japan lightning trains funny - 7740587008

Things You Shouldn't Touch

yikes wtf gifs - 8462907648
Created by anselmbe

With Cars, If Not Its Not One Thing, Its Another

yikes FAIL gifs cars - 8422160128

Deer, That was a Close Call

cars close call deer gifs Image mindwarp puns timing yikes - 5842322688
Created by TSGIGOR ( Via )

It's Like Dominos

yikes motorcycles crashes gifs funny - 7853003520

Putting Tannerite in a Microwave is a Bad Idea

FAILS yikes explosions gifs close call - 7374341120

Vegetable Suicide

animation anime gifs Image potato sad but true yikes - 6405199360

Wings (Not With Steve Weber, Unfortunately)

Balloons epic fast gifs Image win wings yikes - 5516232960
Created by TSGIGOR

Flying Whale

critters fishing gifs Image water whale yikes - 6508165376

Meanwhile in Jersey

explosion fire gifs Image mindwarp New Jersey yikes - 5412153856

Burger King is Creeping Me Out

burger king celeb creep gifs Image jk yikes - 5178541056

Fighting Games Are Getting So Realistic

yikes realism gifs Videogames - 8233051392