Señor GIF


Russian Police Ninja GIF

Insane GIF of Russian special forces police raiding a car by kicking in the windshield and then opening all the doors and dragging everyone out.
Created by ToolBee ( Via GIFs )

Mysterious Explosion in Russia

explosions gifs mindwarp russia - 5806533376

Russian Street Vendor Anti-Theft System

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Russian Soldiers Start Avalanche with Artillery

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Created by ani.s4

Don't Steal From Russians

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Russian Becomes One With The Snowmobile

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Pro-Tip: When a Rocket is Going Off Nearby, Stay Away From Windows

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Wait a Minute, Who Was That?

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Created by anselmbe


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Does That Mean The Engine is Flooded?

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Created by anselmbe

Biking in Russia

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Russian News Reporter Makes The News

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Created by _C_A_T_

Made in Russia

cars FAIL gifs russia whoops - 5982071808

Meanwhile, In Russia

bus FAIL gifs public transportation russia seems safe - 5322060544
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )

The Russian Way of Transporting Wooden Planks

gifs mindwarp russia wood - 6431185408
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via The Daily What )

Meanwhile at a Beach in Russia

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