Señor GIF

funny animals

GIFs of animals trying lemon to see if they like it. None of them liked it

These Animals Tried Lemons And Then Fought With The Lemons

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eleven gifs to cure your boredom

Eleven Excellent GIFs To Cure Boredom

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GIF Horse Thinks Kid Goat is Cute

gif of a horse and a goat getting along well
Created by ani.s4 ( Via Cheezburger )
funny list of squirrel gifs | Animal - can't stop, won't stop

Funny Squirrel Gifs To Make You Giggle

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animals being jerks to each other, so rude

12 Times Animals Were Totally Rude To Each Other (GIFs)

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Ant steals a diamond

Via Reddit r/gifs

He zoomied too fast

Via Reddit