Señor GIF


Just Goofing Around With a Toaster

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Created by Unknown

Awesome Jet Time

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Happens to Most Guys

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Created by ToolBee

Titanic Directed by Michael Bay

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Created by Pancakes23

Using an Explosion to Put Out a Fire

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Chinese Soldiers Fired Artillery Shells Without Using Guns

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Created by SatevisM

How NERF Guns Feel When You Are a Little Kid

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Russian vs. Snowmen

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That's One Hot Ride

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Spoiler Alerts For Those Attending The Interview Today

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"Mayday! Mayday! Coming in Hot!"

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Created by anselmbe

When There's a War Between Two Fandoms You Aren't In

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Via Ccomic Sloth

Chalk War

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This Looks Bad for Earth

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Via Youtube

How I Miss Chemistry-Classes

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Created by ToolBee