Señor GIF


So That's What a Bearded Chicken Looks Like

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Created by laurel416

Popping & Locking

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Via Youtube

Girlnam Style

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Created by Unknown

Grandpa Has a Way With Women

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That Moment When You Are Dancing And Suddenly Remember Something Upsetting

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Created by tamaleknight

Dance Floor Killer

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Lip Service

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The First Time You Ever Slow Danced With Someone

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Created by Cheeseiron

Jon Stewart Twerking

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Now Those Are Some Sweet Moves

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Created by ToolBee

Kitty's Crazy Counter Dance

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Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Cheezburger )

Taylor Swift Doing The Ultimate Awkward White Girl Dance at The Grammy's

GIF of Taylor Swift dancing like an awkward white girl and the Grammy Awards.
Created by Iron-man01
emoji gifs

5 Dancing Emojis to Celebrate World Emoji Day

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Speaker Freaker

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Shiba Dancer

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Via Klounoa