
Just sit your keister down in that chair right there and harken: chairs sometimes don't leave you a leg to lean on. But if you get smacked by a  person in a wheelchair, you could call it a hit but can't run. So if you're into chairs and literally anything having to do with them. Just remember, you'll never be as good as Steven Hawking at musical chairs.

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This Dog Has Been Playing Some Puzzle Games

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This Chair is Taken

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Pro Wrestler Interrupts Wedding

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Alternative Propulsion in Korea

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Lounge Lizard

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Official Fail

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Rocking Chair

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Interesting Way to Kill It

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Couch Car On The Highway

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I've Got Some Questions That May Pug You

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Doggie Chair

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Oh It's Cool, I'm Just Sitting in The Realm That Cannot Be Said, It's Quite Comfy

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