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Turbulent Flight

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Via Save Vid

Jaw Dropping Magic Trick

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Created by ToolBee

Basketful of Bird Buddies

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Trying to Make Out While Drunk

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Blue Jay Close-Up

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Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube )

Dramatic Eagle

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Via Youtube

The Bliss of Birds

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Created by ToolBee

A Bird in the Hand is Worth Three in The Bush

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Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube, )

Here Ya Go, Kitties, Enjoy

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Couch Buddies Play

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Hoo Follows Hoo

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Created by ToolBee

You're Not The Only One Excited For Coffee

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Bird Primps Cat

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Created by anselmbe

This Crow is Smarter Than Most People

Via 4 GIFS

Friendly Raven Comes to Get Pet Some More

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Why I Never Trust Cups Around Friends' Who Have Birds

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