Rage Comics

true story

When Steam Sales Go Wrong

steam rage guy true story sales video games FUUUUU - 6680848640
Created by ZazorahtheEpic

Every Day Gym

true story gym working out - 6188359168
Created by memechivo

Oh I'll Be Careful

friend zone Rage Comics true story - 5672564736

They Look Nothing Alike!

Rage Comics towel true story wtf - 5234707200

Look at the shape of that monitor!

herp derp you dont say true story library - 8552452352

Why Is He Even Here?

true story truancy story - 6875137024
Created by Sorrowscythe

How could you say such a thing?

forever alone Rage Comics true story - 5240470272

Epic Grandma

epic grandma true story lol laziness - 6670009088

Who Does That Guy Think He Is?

fus ro dah Rage Comics socially awkward penguin truancy story true story video games - 5601948928

I Wonder What He Calls Everything Else....

true story Super Mario bros mario - 7088358912
Created by zibble33

True Penguin, Bro

true story - 8212695296
Created by Phoenixx8

Disgusting Grandma

poop swimming true story oh god why - 6645739264

Do Get Dressed First, Though

call me maybe Rage Comics raisin face true story - 6393852672

Ecuador is Doomed!

herp derp true story science truancy story - 6866419456
Created by doctorwhooves21 ( Via Rage Comix )

This Ain't Republic City!

face palm poker face true story truancy story - 6708680960
Created by TheoristofChaos

No, I Never Deny Them!

farts relationships true story - 6576367360
Created by lordofterror