Rage Comics


Good News, Bad News

class school Sad - 8326119680
Created by Qendou

Let's Take Your Hair...

hair school - 7997555968
Created by Heattiucs

Who Needs a Life When You've Got Swag?

school swag gollum truancy story - 7114004480

How My Day Goes Every Day

school internet mom - 8374393344


school - 8301174528
Created by randompersondude

Praise the Dog

dogs physics science school - 8173567232

Hurry, I Can Feel the Number 47...

school science Chemistry truancy story - 7318469888

So Many Movies

all the guy all the things computer download Rage Comics school - 5080295936

Nothing happened today

school herp derp genius - 8556861440

You Deserved to Have Your Desk Puked On

vomit memory school kids - 8384157696
Created by CrazyCalvinWilliams

What Else Was I Supposed to Do?

bathrooms rage school texting - 6533069056
Created by mcLOLthe3rd

Troll Friend

friends class school trollface - 8248969728
Created by Tr0jAn3ntRy

Just My Luck

bad luck school poker face projects - 6534717696

Study Music

Avatar batman Rage Comics school studying - 4733434112

Scratch-And-Sniff Stickers Are All Lies!

sticker school test - 8403491328
Created by Squid_man

Scumbag Brain Forgets How to Speak

forever alone fu guy Rage Comics school - 5054573312