Rage Comics

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The Mark of True Friendship

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Scumbag Brain Strikes Again!

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Created by LaneyNeice

Same Diff, Lady!

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You Must Really Want Some Homework

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Spider Trek II: The Wrath of the Big One

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Created by Unknown

She's Better Than You

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I'll Try Again in a Month or So

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Created by MELODlE

Why'd I Get the Jumbo Pack?

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How Could I Have Forgotten?

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Created by emootaku736

Your Childhood Wasn't Complete Until You Accidentally Hit Yourself in the Face With One of These

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Keep the Derps

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Created by Stevenasaurus

Oh God Why?

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Call Me the Card Shark

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I Don't Know Why I Do Some of the Things I Do

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Annie are You Okay?

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Whatever That Bobby, Floppy Thing is Called...

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Created by SorrowedRevenge