Rage Comics

oh god why

Worst Smell Ever

farting oh god why - 7786146304

This is Why Neighbors Shouldn't Speak

advice neighbors oh god why relationships - 8306447104
Created by ApolloBird

Unfortunate Memory

kids memory grandma oh god why - 8352764416
Created by Sahdow_wolf1

Video Killed the Radio Star Again

radio Music oh god why aww yea - 8435975424
Created by death_by_rage

Troll Fiance

troll oh god why married omg - 6852167936

Awkward Bus Moment

Awkward bus eye contact oh god why - 8337085696
Created by nosyfinn

Cyber Trolling

trolling oh god why i lied - 7860056832
Created by .Rumor

I'm Sorry! I Didn't Know!

farts farting bathroom oh god why peeing - 7397698560

At the Zoo

zoo parenting bad poker face oh god why - 7140799488
Created by Unknown

False Alarm!

false alarm storms oh god why power outage - 8116262656
Created by Notsofunnystuff

College Life

haters gonna hate school me gusta determined lol oh god why college truancy story - 7787053568
Created by traversec

I've Seen Movies That Start Like This

oh god why pfftch Rage Comics that sounds naughty - 6433713152

Time Flies

meta oh god why time - 8326569216

People These Days...

water fire grass oh god why air earth - 7607862016
Created by epicpotatoguy

But It's So Comfortable to Wear!

laundry oh god why underwear - 8342785792


computer guy friend request oh god why - 7907810816
Created by Squidkid915