Rage Comics

oh god why

I Swear I Wasn't!

nothing to do here fapping oh god why pr0n mom - 6923666176

Major Squick Moment

Game of Thrones siblings quizzes oh god why - 8025021184

My Mom is My Best Friend

oh god why Rage Comics shoes - 6087109888
Created by rorycassidy

Disaster Avoided

conversation oh god why i lied everything went better than expected - 8245711616

That's the End of That Relationship

relationships bjs oh god why - 7665666560

Why, Past Me? WHY?

Pokémon oh god why - 7621668352

D is For Diploma

studying school oh god why test - 8371325440

Everything Has a Price...

internet oh god why - 8400044800
Created by JoeSnake32

Every Time I'm Home From College

family college oh god why vacation - 7984242176

I Was Just Trying to Help

shopping toilet paper oh god why - 6499089408

Roosters, Am I Right?

p3n0r oh god why that sounds naughty - 6738569472

Oh God Why?

kids poker face oh god why - 6533025792

The Life of an Assembly Programmer

forever alone assembly programming oh god why - 7850582784

Always Check Twice

fap fapping oh god why - 7147556352
Created by Comemichiamo

My Entire Childhood!

embarrassing memory oh god why Rage Comics - 6040559360
Created by jose2480

Can't Tell If a Better Love Story Than Twilight

oh god why oh stop it you - 6531231488
Created by Unknown