Rage Comics


Too Much Badassery for Me

class school tests teachers funny exams truancy story - 7510708736
Created by UlisesIkaikaKeetOrcinus26

Hey, I'm Talkin' to You!

breaking the fourth wall funny computer guy - 7511072768

Whatever That Bobby, Floppy Thing is Called...

poker face park funny - 7512564736
Created by SorrowedRevenge

Screw You, Dad!

parenting dad astronaut funny - 7544939264
Created by CrazyCalvinWilliams

I'm SO Popular With the Ladies

girlfriends relationships ladies funny dating - 7515531520

Living on the Breadline

broke so close debit card funny - 7484498944
Created by djdusty

The Truth Behind Earphones

earbuds headphones funny - 7527998208
Created by Blitzentrix

Toilet Germs

washing hands germs bathroom toilet funny - 7018822400
Created by kevbev321

They're in the Shower...

Home Alone poker face funny - 7329170176

How Is it Possible

wtf funny - 8300287488
Created by icanhazzahalp

Sleeping With a Cold Sucks

stuffy nose flu fever cold sleeping funny - 7485721600
Via xxunderdog99

Life Is Definitely Over

wtf funny - 8469229568

There's Always That Guy

credit card debit card paying funny check - 7447227392

Noooooo, I Almost Had My UAV!

boyfriend relationships girlfriend video games funny dating - 7518473472

Use Your Blinker BEFORE the Light Turns!

red light stop light funny traffic - 7495258112

Just Go Back to Bed

girlfriend sleep sexy times funny - 8476406016
Created by Unknown