Rage Comics


Drunken Genius!

beer genius drunk me gusta - 8179374080
Created by andrewz87

Wait, What?

drunk Jackie Chan Rage Comics toilet paper wtf - 5120994560
Via imgur

Gets My Creative Juices Flowing

drunk challenge completed writing - 6694077952

Don't Drink and Text

drinking drunk wasted oh god why texting - 6623313920

R.I.P. Me (????-2013)

drunk birthday iphone 5 - 6940943872
Via TrollingMcDerps

Sleep With ALL the People!

all the guy all the things clothes drinking drunk Rage Comics - 5045713664
Created by MarkusHoldings

Well, That's One Way to Get Cut Off

bar cash credit card drunk - 6268151296

Can't Tell If Drunk or Tired

driving drunk Rage Comics raisin face - 6040804352
Created by SBProo

Sometimes It's Better to Be Lucky Than Good

drunk party hard texting everything went better than expected - 7711889664

My Face is Hardcore

drunk Party Rage Comics wtf - 6413135872
Created by Amrek
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