Rage Comics

computer guy

Hey, I'm Talkin' to You!

breaking the fourth wall funny computer guy - 7511072768

Searching For a Job

computer guy job search table flipping rage unemployment - 8068849664


computer guy - 8557126144

Thanks For Letting Me Know, Facebook!

computer guy facebook justin bieber - 7978859520
Created by blueboye


computer guy - 7639936512
Created by LolzMaker101 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

So Underpowered...

computer guy Memes t shirts - 7976272896
Created by Venuzard

The Emotions of Summer

summer me gusta true story computer guy - 7710884096

Make Up Your Mind!

weather computer guy - 7945351936

It's Almost Like Your Internet Connection Knows!

computer guy internet rage waiting - 8097796608
Created by GuywithPie

Time ONLY Flies When You're Having Fun

rage time work computer guy - 8030412800
Created by Squidkid915

U Mad, Zombies?

rage lamp Memes lol zombie computer guy - 8106237440
Created by Sam58013

Faith in Humanity Restored

grammar faith in humanity restored computer guy - 7729789952
Created by fighuasss

Maybe "The Walking Dead"...

much later please meta computer guy - 7884297472
Created by PJ_Awesomness

Re-raged: Me Sharksta

superpowers reframed me gusta sharks Memes t shirts computer guy - 7980105472

Dang Internet...

computer guy socializing - 7903602944
Created by poopface11

Try to Look Brave, Try to Look Brave!

girlfriends scared pranks startled computer guy - 7753916416