Rage Comics

computer guy

New Email!

forever alone meta computer guy - 8096783360
Created by Derp1231234

One Does Not Simply Look At a "Few" Memes

bath computer guy - 6531164672

Nothing Much Happens For Me During Summer

summer friends computer guy - 8279265280

Careful What You Read

nothing to do here so close okay guy faith in humanity restored oh god why Okay computer guy - 7755285504
Created by joedarocka

...Don't Machine Wash it Either, But DEFINITELY No Drycleaning

computer guy ebay - 8106425856

Why, Youtube? WHY?

3d computer guy youtube - 7961277440
Created by HadestheKid

This is What I Get For Spamming

computer guy liam neeson taken tabs - 7941373440
Created by Erkkaheero

So What Exactly Does This Thing Do?

computer guy - 8074180096

U Mad, Zombies?

rage lamp Memes lol zombie computer guy - 8106237440
Created by Sam58013

Internet Explorer Rage

computer guy internet explorer school - 8080901632
Created by HoboFromHell21

Patience is a Virtue

all the things chrome computer guy firefox patience trollface - 8017091072

Just One More LOL...

sundays computer guy - 7953698048

Happy Coincidence

Memes superman computer guy - 7956724480

It's a Trap

internet chores netflix computer guy - 8089401088
Created by death_by_rage

Sometimes I'm THAT Dumb

email genius computer guy - 8086296832

Hopefully Next Monday Morning is Equally Exciting For You

meta Okay aww yea computer guy - 8120395008
Created by Derp1231234

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