
william shakespeare

To be or not to be, that Is William Shakespeare's question. That and 100 others written 400 years ago we still don't have answers to. Like why Oedipus, why? So dust off ye olde English and chortle with glee at these witty soliloquies and puns.

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

Chart comparison famous Hall of Fame question william shakespeare - 5942348800
Created by Ginctm ( Via XKCD )

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Neighbors

2 b hamlet not shakespeare soliloquy to be william shakespeare - 6608982272
Created by tonis


bros FAIL Hall of Fame rhyming shakespeare similar sounding spelling william shakespeare - 5368464384

You'd Think Willy'd Buy Higher Quality Gear

shakespeare william shakespeare quote winter tent similar sounding literalism - 6660087552
Created by xyzpdq1


be bee famous hamlet homophone literalism not or quote shakespeare soliloquy to be william shakespeare - 4508626176
Created by TheAlmonster


bone bones Hall of Fame humerus lolwut punchline shakespeare similar sounding talking tibia william shakespeare - 5156659200

ICWUDT Mental Floss...

around cliché double meaning globe Hall of Fame ICWUDT literalism name william shakespeare - 5856900096
Created by LOLdogexpert ( Via Mental Floss )


Hall of Fame mew parody Pokémon shakespeare william shakespeare - 5300127744


graffiti hamlet or parody soliloquy to be vandalism william shakespeare - 4229406720
Created by FrozYo

William Snakespeare

Hall of Fame juxtaposition literalism prefix shakespeare shoop similar sounding snake william shakespeare pun - 5684595712

'Hamlet Hears a Hoof'

answer combination dr seuss homophone juxtaposition question shakespeare william shakespeare - 4877334272
Created by catsuberalles

It Ophelias So Real!

hamlet question shakespeare similar sounding soliloquy to be toupee william shakespeare - 5450124544
Created by Fatalyze