

Maybe He Should Have Just Kept Silent

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Created by ballsonchin


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Created by 93dt

Musings on Music Theory

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Created by popsicles_jalapeno


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Created by John


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Seems Like They're Really Getting to the Crust of the Matter

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Created by Minecraftfans

I Always Take These Kind of Jokes for Pomegranate

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Created by skateboarddog

The Amount of Likes on This Post Just Keeps Going Up

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Created by Unknown

The Story Line Doesn't Strike Me As Flexible...

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Created by Anna-MollyPolly

Does That Mean I'm Allowed to Cut You Down?

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Created by Fatalyze

This is So Typical of the Facebook Hive Mind

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Created by Unknown

An update on So Much Pun

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Putting the REVIVAL in Creedence Clearwater Revival

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Created by Kbustin ( Via kylebustin.tumblr.com )

This is Why I No Longer Gotye on Facebook

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Created by Unknown
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