
the Beatles

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Cooking Poooooooot ROAST!

advice gloves Hall of Fame john lennon punny similar sounding song the Beatles - 5844559872
Via Completely Serious Comics

SMP Classic: Pun Lennon

the Beatles gloves john lennon similar sounding advice classic - 6877907200
Via Completely Serious Comics

Speaking Words of Wiisdom

album cover let it be literalism mii similar sounding suffix the Beatles wii - 5540393216
Created by JMJMad1

I Wanna Hold Your... Talon?

double meaning hair Hall of Fame literalism owls suffix the Beatles - 5640908288
Created by JMJMad1

Little Darling, Soon There Will Be No Such Thing as Winter

ending song the Beatles twist - 5947217152
Created by rtothe2

Lennon Party

cannot unsee john lennon let it be literalism lolwut meme parody the Beatles - 5418353664
Created by Lythianc

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Feels Club Band

feels literalism shoop similar sounding the Beatles - 6608552448

Pupper Soul

dogs g Hall of Fame letter literalism logo replacement similar sounding t the Beatles - 6212349952