

Don't let your eyes stray from the television, you might miss even more hilarious puns and jokes. 

All Thanks to Miracle Cleaner Smut-B-Gone!

cleaning double meaning literalism television - 5124753152
Created by xyzpdq1


awesome cooking double meaning literalism lolwut saying show television TV x men - 4897099008

Heisenberg is a Shear Genius

breaking bad homophone juxtaposition lamb onomatopoeia replacement sheep show similar sounding sound television - 6576461312
Via Liz Climo


half puns television - 3965149952
Created by el_wuffel

More Fun Than Practicing Running For Safety

school puns cartoons television - 7888933120
Via arthurtimothyread
idea meaning scrubs show television title Video - 13483265


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Demi is Top of the EKG Charts

Music puns television - 7874061056
baby buildup double meaning not scrubs shaved show story television TV Video - 20771329

That's a Lot of Buildup for Such a Little Pun...

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O Reilly?

puns television - 7907107840
Created by xyzpdq1

Or Maybe Just Danson On My Own

dancing homophone literalism show similar sounding stars television TV - 5305079552
Created by Unknown
A funny Tumblr thread that includes Avatar The Last Airbender plot osmosis | bygodstillam 2 cerusee tumblr Follow glitch-h Ive never seen avatar last airbender but here is my understanding plot based on tumblr avatar is important bc he can bend all elements and no one else can. There hasnt been one while and fire nation is taking over couple siblings find boy trapped ice he's like 9 and bald and last airbender. Also he's avatar and they know this somehow -siblings are like "well guess have

Tumblr Thread: Avatar The Last Airbender Plot Osmosis

Not a bad job for someone who hasn't seen the show.
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ask double meaning friends literalism response retort show television tumblr TV - 5222987008
groan-inducing show television TV Video - 30851329


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homophone microwave show television TV - 4264898304


demonstration lsd television trip TV - 4343117824

My Favorite Morning News Show

double meaning literalism news show television - 5150356992
Created by rocket-taco ( Via chooglin.livejournal.com )
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