

Keep Your Friends Close, Your Utility Keys Closer

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Via Barty Bart

It's Truly a Ceaseless Activity

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Please Stop With This

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Created by Necohon
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Like a BUS!

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Why Don't You Go Where the Topping Sits?

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Via Reddit

Sponsored by Jack Black

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Created by Unknown

Give Me Beans, Give Me Tacos, Give Me Gringos, Give Me Paco!

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Created by TomDoody

Call Me Maeby

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Via Eff Yeah Puns

I Think Literal Oasis is More Interesting Than Figurative Oasis, TBH

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Created by briansnickermcgraw


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This Whole Post is Going to be One Cheap Trick

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Via A.S.B.


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Actually, This Seems Par for the Course for a Bruno Mars Song

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Created by kamikaze193


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SMP CLASSIC-ish: ... But Didn't Nobel Invite Dynamite?

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He Who Shall Not Be Played

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Created by ray677