

Toddler invents their own swear word, and then swears at their parent for weeks. | TheOphans TIFU by learning my toddler made up their own way swearing at and has been telling f off while. M So build up this fuck up work out at home and have done since my child born like work out music and there is one particular song some reason really helps get mood squat s song l'd played some time without question until 4 months ago because has few swear words

Toddler Invents Their Own Swear Word, Swears At Parent For Weeks

Kid could be going places.
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entitled people with ridiculous demands | Can someone do something about this tried police and office no avail pay lot money live this neighborhood s outrageous should have look at cars with such low Kelly Blue Book value. | stopped by this Starbucks and had Worst customer service have experienced my life bought breakfast sandwich at another Starbucks didn't have chance eat about an hour. stopped at this Starbucks and asked them if they could reheat girls at counter don't have her name) said no,

Entitled Folks With Their Bold Demands

Behold the spectacle.
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A Twitter thread about a guy getting drunk on power while playing Neopets | everest @everestpipkin every few years email neopets support asking if they can help log into my childhood account and (unsurprisingly, tiny team, millions old accounts never heard back

Twitter Thread: 9-Year-Old Amasses Neopets Empire

Power corrupts.
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Manager tries to embarrass an employee, and ends up self destructing | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/Darigone Total Humiliation told should post this here [TL:DR] Manager used my report meeting set an example Only manager be humiliated by same report work security and have been years common practice is complete report happened during time specifically work patrols. Basically go location location checking on each site

Manager Tries To Embarrass Employee, Proceeds To Self Destruct

See ya later.
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A funny Tumblr thread about the intelligence of dwarves beards | deluxeloy Theory: So know dwarves have thing with beards if 's not just cultural standard or mere coincidence if there's reason? See, dwarves like dig lot. They build underground homes, and there's nothing more rewarding them than digging up some gems or valuable metals. But chipping away at all rock and disturbing all earth kicks up lot dust and dirt. If do every day without proper breathing protection which Ancient Dwarves

Tumblr Thread: Dwarves Beards Are Too Smart

Not fair.
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michael jackson news ridiculous tribute Video - 17811201


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Chef Gordon Ramsay served spoiled food cooking fail

Chef Serves Rancid Scallops To Gordon Ramsay

That's a worst-case scenario situation.
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trolling neighbor leaves up hilarious flyers all over the place

Guy Trolls His Neighbors With Hilarious Posters That Make Zero Sense

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People describe the biggest plot holes that they've ever come across. | IntroGeist 22h 1 Award Incredibles happened Supervillains after Superheroes became illegal? They just disappeared no reason, No one could stop them now so they would obviously do more crime. But they're gone

Biggest Plot Holes That Haunt People

Plot holes can drive one insane.
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funny stupid puns and wordplay |  Wanted man has been stealing wheels police cars Police are working tirelessly catch him LAREDO 911 POLICE cop car without tires

Quality Puns We're Not Sure If We Even Like

It's a love/hate thing.
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Reddit revenge story about revenge on entitled Karen | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/poweredbyweirdhumor No, my husband wearing winter coat and carrying our 6 mo baby is not working here lady XL My husband is peaceful giant. He is 6 ft 5 and can look quite imposing even though he really is teddy bear. Never stressed or aggressive, never overreacting our raising his voice, just peaceful giant.

Canadian Man Humbles Shopping Karen

Oh she had to be humbled.
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funny and stupid DIY failures | toilet seat cover with a chunk taken off it to fit it next to a wall | stairs leading up to nowhere blocked by the ceiling

Weird, Bad and Absurd DIY Situations

Looks, uh, done.
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An entitled teen wants to steal a tattoo artist's design, doesn't understand their frustration. | going get tattoo. 1h Reply Hide replies sel tattoo rights and linework on my Etsy buy and can get clean like work file give tattooer! 1h Reply

Entitled Teen Wants To Steal Tattoo Artist's Design, Doesn't Understand Their Anger

The ignorance is strong with this one.
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funny times people didn't understand memes and jokes | Want know just big Texas really is This is fake | as tiny filled with KEN JRES. TM Why did they put so much detail his head then just give him stick figure body? Hahahha shut up I'm pretty sure 's his tie

People Who Desperately Didn't Get The Joke

This is why we can't have nice things.
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hard boiled egg peeling cooking hack

Hard Boiled Egg Peeling Method Actually Works

This could change the game.
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really bad business practices

The Worst Business Practices People Have Seen

What a bold strategy.
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