

I Love the Smell of Gingerbread in the Morning

leg lost nom Vietnam nam shortening literalism double meaning - 6681191168
Created by _C_A_T_

Last I Heard He Was Trying to Dig a Pony

lacking donkey literalism ass double meaning lost - 6823344640
Via Mr. Lovenstein

And They Don't Even Cell My Prescription Here!

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Created by xyzpdq1

This Keyboard Might Need Some Counseling

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Created by xyzpdq1

Keep Your Friends Close, Your Utility Keys Closer

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Via Barty Bart

That Must Have Been Very Hard For You

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Created by dominicsoh ( Via Pocket Puns )

Now I See Why You Said That!

contacts eye literalism advice lost - 7114649600


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Created by Nyes2CU

He Could Really Use Some Obedience Schooling...

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Via scimoccomics.tumblr.com


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Lost Money on a Horse

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Well, I'm Not Negative

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Created by batmanbinsuparman