
Lego my Eggo! Lego are one of the world's most successful toys, and probably a big reason behind games like Minecraft. Building blocks that allowed us to build fantastic scenes and epic battles that kept us occupied for hours. So take a trip back to childhood, or your basement now, and enjoy these hilarious lego memes puns and jokes.

Hall of Fame lego legos no slang - 5525448192


cosplay costume double meaning Hall of Fame lego literalism star wars - 6106033152

LEGO Star Wars

darth vader face lego quote similar sounding star wars - 6598967040

I Find Your Lack of Face Disturbing

lego puns funny - 7572118784

Puns and Lego

lego literal - 3448218624


Hall of Fame lego legolas literalism Lord of the Rings prefix similar sounding suffix - 6278813440

At Least These LEGO Genders Are Distinct

double meaning Hall of Fame lego literalism Pirate r2d2 sound star wars - 5868893440


Hall of Fame homophone lego literalism slang slogan waffle - 5030744320

Well No One Will Steal it From You Now...

jesus lego puns funny - 7672508928

Harder Than Walking on Water?