

... Photographers, Amirite?

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Mom, What's a "Synonym"?

photography kids puns parenting - 7993641984
Via rogues69

Start Them Punning While They're Young

kids puns funny - 7537622784
Via iwasonceacowboyking
Funny memes about parenting, having kids | my kid threatens not talk rest day Jon Hamm laughing | my kid trips over toy asked him pick up 100 times Justin Timberlake giggling

Parenting Memes For Anyone Who's Considered Putting Their Kids Up For Adoption

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Funny tweets, relatable tweets, random tweets, twitter memes, comedy, comic, parenting, dating | logan @brainwxrms IOVA imagine being girl and having keep an extra pair underwear ur car just case some dude revs his truck up at stop light

29 Clever & Relatable Tweets For Short Attention Spans

Short and sweet, baby.
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ecard about the constant battle between going to bed to catch up on sleep or staying awake to get alone time | Parenting is constant battle between going bed catch up on some sleep or staying awake finally get some alone time. somee cards

Ecards To Remind You Of The Joys Of Parenting

Or not so joyous...
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kids nerds puns toys - 3720113920
Created by desmoncj


kids metal puns trash - 3521620992
Created by MaximusGigantes
Funny memes about Disney movies | Candice: l'm telling mom! Phineas and Ferb's skyscraper: Nileseyy Niles Disappears | My Therapist making say nice things about myself Genie and Aladdin

15 Snarky Disney Memes For The Grownups

The happiest company on earth.
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Tonya Stark

costume halloween kids g rated poorly dressed - 7847214592

Let's Not E-scale-ate the Situation

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Via nico
Funny tweets about what dads love saying.

23 Hardcore Dad-Isms Culled From The Depths Of Twitter

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dramatic and interesting quiet kid moments | Chasesrabbits 20 hours ago friend mine had class college where professor offered extra credit person who could come up with best sentence using list made-up words he had found freshman papers winner quiet girl, with this gem Dude, do see chankles on girl going have go home and proiate."

Times The Quiet Kid Had Their Moment

There was always more to the quiet kid.
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Party Cat Knows How to Have a Good Time

double meaning Hall of Fame kids lsd mix trip without - 6348905728
Via Reddit
A collection of the funniest and most creative insults that kids have come up with. | recently working with kid and another teacher, and kid turned other teacher and said about she probably listens all by myself at night

Funniest Ways That Kids Have Insulted Adults

They deserve bonus points for the creativity.
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Funny answers kids gave on tests that may not be right, but they are not so wrong - cover image of question about someone who at many candy bars, with the kid saying he now has diabetes from eating all those, without providing the real answer.

15 Creative Test Answers That Prove Kids Are Much Smarter Than We Think

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