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Ridiculous, Random and Stupendous Tumblr Gems

Internet weirdness, comin' in hot.
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53 Terribly-Punny Jokes in Under 4 Minutes

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Pun Business Names That Really Went For It

Let's make chiropractics fun!
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Work Memes to Hide from the Boss

"No, I am scrolling through emails."
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Funny & Fresh Tweets From The Humorists Of Twitter

We're here for the jokes
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Throw Yourself Off That Imaginary Cliff Too After Telling This Joke

Throw Yourself Off That Imaginary Cliff Too After Telling This Joke
Via e007
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17 Funny, Sad and Dumb Tinder Moments to Make You Feel Less Lonely

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32 Dad Jokes In Celebration of Father's Day

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25 Funny Signs That Give Dad Jokes a Run for Their Money

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41 Dad Jokes so Funny They'll Make Your Dad Say "Hi Laughing, I'm Dad"

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Created by Anno89 ( Via cheezburger.com )
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A Bundle of Puns to Fill that Wordplay Hole

Are they good? Well they're certainly puns.
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29 Bad Jokes That Are Actually The Best Jokes

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Top 10 Walking Dad Jokes

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Mad Lads Who Played The Game Their Way

No one is stopping them!
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36 Fresh & Funny Tweets For Easy Scrolling

A collection of some of the funniest recent tweets
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