

I tip my hat to you, and have a wonderful day. Where are the days where people used to talk with such dignity and respect. Now it's all MAGA this and Save the Planet that. Why not just go back to good old fashion headgear. You know, to cover that massive bald patch you pretend you don't have.

Flyin' Around Like the Hubble

carl sagan gifs Hall of Fame hat prefix similar sounding surname swag - 5794672384
Created by LOLdogexpert

I've Always Preferred Tonka in the Tunic...

book brand cat dr seuss hat literalism title - 4941502208
Created by Aegenroth

When An Omnom Comes Along

album dogs Hall of Fame hat hats homophone homophones title - 4677774848
Created by merrypule

She's Off to the Races

Hall of Fame hat literalism rhyme rhyming similar sounding - 6206084096
Via Mamrie


hat ice literalism - 4355862272

These Boots Were Made For... Talkin'?

ahead boots foot go hat head homophones literalism promise - 4650267392
Created by shinykittyco

He Just Wants the Facts, Yolks

double meaning egg hat literalism - 5828835584
Created by Rustilocks

It Also Makes You Look Adorabowler!

feeling literalism double meaning hat - 6824330240
Via Don Depresso