

Profoundly Punny Yoda Says:

day go pattern reversal similar sounding speech star wars yoda - 6345391616
Via Reddit

It Vanished in the Starry Night

Van Gogh van go nice car homophones literalism double meaning - 6702243584
Via Reddit

But Make Sure To Handle With Care

double meaning go goose literalism name origin root take - 4865051648

But I'd Really Rather Knot Stay Here Alone

ahead around double meaning go Hall of Fame hang head literalism on similar sounding tie - 5759286528
Created by Bella8236

I Always Knew Football Was a Thinking Man's Game

Command deep double meaning football go Hall of Fame literalism misinterpretation - 5127394304
Created by maxystone

He's a Very Obedient Boy

double meaning go Hall of Fame literalism misinterpretation outside play - 5251867648
Created by StormPooperSmith ( Via editorialcartoonists.com )

Learning French, the Easy Way

literalism go homophone french suffix going - 6898779904
Via Reddit


do not want go lindsay lohan lolwut prison similar sounding wtf - 4925399296

These Boots Were Made For... Talkin'?

ahead boots foot go hat head homophones literalism promise - 4650267392
Created by shinykittyco

Maybe Your Content Just Needs a Better Host

double meaning FAIL failure go going Hall of Fame literalism virus - 6018063616
Via Med School Sketches