

Reddit revenge story about revenge on entitled Karen | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/poweredbyweirdhumor No, my husband wearing winter coat and carrying our 6 mo baby is not working here lady XL My husband is peaceful giant. He is 6 ft 5 and can look quite imposing even though he really is teddy bear. Never stressed or aggressive, never overreacting our raising his voice, just peaceful giant.

Canadian Man Humbles Shopping Karen

Oh she had to be humbled.
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Cutest Dental Problem Ever

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Via thedogmaticrevolution

Is it Still an Acronym?

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Via OMG That's Punny

Unlimited Data Not Available in All Areas

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Created by tklump

They Must Have Been Let in Accidentally

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Via OMG That's Punny

It Wuz teh Best of Times, It Wuz teh Worst of Time

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See all captions


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Via diligaf

It Was Unbearable to Watch

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Created by Unknown

As a Child, This is What I Actually Thought it Meant

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Created by xyzpdq1

The Dental Hygiene of the T-Rex Pales in Comparison

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Via 4 Legit 4 Quit

Harry Trotter

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Mad Lads Who Didn't Let The World Get In Their Way

Sometimes you've gotta risk it all.
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Where There's a Will There's a Way

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Human Santapede

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Via joannecasey.blogspot.com
Student sees fire but staff makes them wait to report it | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/ArmyMPSides 12 days ago Shut down while trying report fire at my high school oc S senior back high school Middle Tennessee had smoking area students. This 1990, so yeah old. My daughters actually just asked post this story here. Anyway, so good student and had great reputation among faculty at this school about 2000 students.

Staff Makes Student Patiently Wait to Report Fire

School is weird.
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Random Memes With Varying Degrees Of Relatability

Scroll your worries away.
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