

Tumblr filled dadisms for hilarious family stories

16 Hilarious Tumblr Family Stories Filled to the Brim with Dadisms

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It's a Trapp!

actor family homophone play playing role similar sounding the sound of music trap von trapp - 4783492096
wholesome memes, feel good, funny memes, memes, facebook, aww, twitter, happy memes, good samaritan, love, family, animals | Men Toxic Masculinity Really? Tears NewDadNotes Wholesome Masculinity They're HEALTHY him. Guardians of the Galaxy | Are you Ben? He's my best friend He always comes watch match. Always, always.

Heartwarming Memes & People Being Just Plain Good

Wholesome Alert!
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bison family goodbye Hall of Fame homophones lolwut parents son - 5394599168

The Family Curse

curse egg family heritage prefix puns - 6217402112
Via Chaos Life

That's... That's an Analogy, I Suppose

butt comparison family Hall of Fame hole lolwut - 6184552448
Via @leeannraye

... Photographers, Amirite?

photography kids hang wife shoot literalism family double meaning - 6763638528
Wholesome memes and tweets | spillybun Ominous positivity spillybun will be okay have no choice. solluxismsnowaifu Everything will turn out fine cannot stop abirdkeeper will succeed is inevitable. | My dad once wrote note us and put drawer note said "if scared tell something, just bring this note as reminder l'm here support won't get mad wil work with on solution Best way keep kids talking

Wholesome Memes & Tweets For the Positivity-Deprived

Just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street.
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Can't Beet That Logic

family homophones similar sounding turnip vegetables - 6502896384
Created by NCcharmer
Wholesome and happy webcomics filled with love, animals.

24 Wholesome Comics That Serve Up The Sappiness

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dad fires son for stealing from job | Posted by u/E11451913 1 day ago 14 10 3 15 13 AITA firing my son? Not hole Throwaway because don't want this seen on my main account get straight issue. My M43 17 year old son Adam has been trying become independent and preparing move college but struggling find job own private warehouse as side job earn living. My wife suggested hire my son work at warehous. Moving boxes, brining workers lunch, helping with cleaning kind stuff. She said is both our benefits

Dad Fires His Son for Stealing from Work

Ah, the old "my dad's the boss" mentality.
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Where's That Dude From Coldplay's Kid?

apple apples double meaning family literalism macintosh variety - 5666490112
Created by oshawottcheezburgerz


family hair homophone parody single song Songs will smith - 4278642688
Created by WooShell
wholesome memes and posts, animals, cancer, marriage, love, family, friendship, grandparents | sometimes ya just gotta appreciate professors who do everything possible help succeed PM ur confused and email ur professor and he comes lib help study AWWW JOYNER LIBRARY Greenville, NC PM | woman battling breast cancer married love her life on Dec 22nd, just 18 hours before she passed away

37 Wholesome Memes & Posts That Might Bring On The Waterworks

Oh, the humanity.
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Entitled family member drops in out of the blue and expects earrings back from years ago. | Hi have two gold earrings gave long time ago actually feel guilty giving them because they are inky memory have my uncle who gave them If dont wear do still them anymore, can have them back, as would like keep them and not sure why even gave them or did lend them

Family Member Expects Earrings Back From Years Ago, Reality Check Ensues

It was over 10 years ago.
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grandma refuses to learn grandson's name so grandson says her name wrong | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/notmyname2020_ AITA calling my grandma by wrong name until she gets my name right? Not hole This has going on since forever so decided do something 16m) half Mexican my dad's side and my mom's side is Scottish. Ngl most my mom's family is high key racist and is been problems sometimes growing up. My grandma on my mom's side never liked my dad and happy

Grandma Won't Learn Grandson's Name So He Mispronounces Hers

It's the least one could do.
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