

In your face! Literally these jokes and puns are right up there so don't blink you might get smacked in the face by one.

Really Takes the Movie to a Whole New Level, Don'tcha Think?

face Hall of Fame horse resemblance sarah jessica parker - 5927380736

Dude Looks Totally Coconuts

double meaning face facepalm literalism Memes palm Palm Tree tree - 4839937536
Created by Marcooler

Both Look a Little Yoko Onclear to Me

expression face Hall of Fame homophone literalism no o suffix surname yes - 6179026432
Created by Jess J

Jeez Bill, What's Your F&%@ing Problem!?

insensitive face long lolwut evil literalism - 7101517824
Via Nathan Bulmer

ICWUDT Happy Chair Holdover

face Hall of Fame house literalism resemblance shape - 6333157376
Created by pedretta


face forever forever alone Hall of Fame literalism meme rhyme rhyming shape - 4590303232


cheese face forever alone gouda Hall of Fame meme similar sounding - 5383105280

He's My Favorite Marvel-Type Pokémon

Exeggutor face literalism Pokémon shoop similar sounding suffix Thor - 6415778048
Created by Unknown

Books Let the Imagination Run Free... And Sometimes That's a Weird Thing.

face misinterpretation literalism hit sun morbid description - 7113852416
Via Reddit

What a Surreal Conversation...

double meaning face literalism long surrealism - 5854468096
Via Scribbliotti

That Explains the Shape of His Nose, I Guess

face literalism double meaning plant - 6792164096
Via Reddit

It's Still Difficult to Tell the Difference...

expression face happy opposites surname - 6157103104
Created by pcrackenhead

Maybe She's Just Bipolar?

expression face literalism mood surname - 6151973120
Created by JanosP


dogs double meaning face FAIL high five ICWUDT literalism oops - 5622653440
Created by electrodinosaur

So How Does One 'Twitter' Then?

book doing it wrong face facebook literalism question twitter - 4773024768

Duck Face

double meaning duck face literalism - 6610946560
Created by dolf1nluvr
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