
double meaning

series literalism homophone double meaning math Video cosine - 44282881

Ten-Second Puns #1

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But Where is the Requisite Codpiece?

surname literalism david bowie double meaning - 6961421056
Via Mackenzie O’Brien


character double meaning duck game goose Hall of Fame literalism replacement - 5411799040


bag dirt double meaning literalism - 6596928000
Created by netsnets ( Via Happy Smart Book )

It's a Trap!

trap admiral ackbar double meaning - 7023231744
Created by xyzpdq1

Does What it Says on the Poster

disney double meaning literalism - 5742210304
Created by FrankieDudeUltimate

He Drives Like He's Playing Twisted Metal

car double meaning driver Hall of Fame literalism screwdriver - 6134109184
Created by netsnets ( Via Happy Smart Book )

He's Married to Angelina Guacajolie

double meaning Hall of Fame homophone literalism pit - 6259497984
Created by Pinds ( Via Clarence McKenah )

Good Question.

black double meaning Hall of Fame literalism philosoraptor race will smith - 5456090880
Created by Unknown


double meaning Hall of Fame homophone jesus literalism - 5068740608

SMP CLASSIC: Arch Enemies

arch classic double meaning enemies Hall of Fame literalism - 5733477376
Via Jason Bergsieker


diagram double meaning explanation guns n roses keyboard literalism slash - 4853433856

You May Be Single, But At Least You're Not a Lifeless Mass!

dating double meaning literalism Valentines day - 5839138304
Via Reddit

He Hogs the Bathroom Every Morning to Do This

double meaning Hall of Fame hedgehog literalism looking mirror sharp - 4899476480
Created by Winnie-Wonka

Happy Belated Pot Day!

day double meaning facebook literalism pot tame - 6155796480
Created by Trevwagg93

Oh Spamalot...

pi pun - Photo caption - The roundest knight at King Arthur's Table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size From too much pi SO MUCH PUN.COM
Created by jcmccauley