
double meaning

Bad Joke Amon

amon Chemistry double meaning Hall of Fame solution The Legend of Korra - 6353163264

There’s Nothing Naughty About This at All!

50 shades of grey double meaning grey literalism - 6474796544

That Movie Was Fontastic!

ariel disney double meaning font literalism name The Little Mermaid - 6382218752
Via Punblr

But Not the Kind I Like

bottle double meaning Hall of Fame literalism scotch tape - 5068716032

And Soon You'll Be Bacon in My Belly!

desert baking pig literalism homophone double meaning bacon - 6891851264
Via Mister Hayden

This is Pretty Much My Opinion of All Professional Athletes

Babies double meaning football Hall of Fame literalism prefix Super whining - 5779392768

Pool Table

double meaning literalism pool pool table table - 6583091712
Via Happy Smart Book

Robots in... Transition?

double meaning literalism optimus prime prefix transformers - 6537604864
Via Nathan Bulmer


bass bass drop double meaning drop drop the bass dubstep literalism skrillex - 5681987584
Created by Justmetal227


double meaning literalism math mathematics relation relationship ship suffix - 4471536896
Created by MasuHUN


awesome Command double meaning jean-luc picard picard Star Trek - 4823031040


addiction ridiculous stop double meaning - 6987557888
Created by savannamia ( Via Something of That Ilk )

All the Rage With Eighth Graders the World Over!

away double meaning literalism style tear - 6264084480
Via Sofa Pizza

Talk About a Fickle Pickle

big dill double meaning Hall of Fame literalism pickle similar sounding - 5769378816
Via Phil Jones

And How Does Timmy's Proclivity for Falling Down Wells Make You Feel?

double meaning Hall of Fame help misinterpretation order psychiatrist request - 5953508352
Via Something Changed

The Debut Post on So Much Bun

bun double meaning idiom literalism on on a roll roll - 6114336512
Created by Fatalyze