
double meaning

And I'll Be There to Stop You if You Ever Get Out of Line

something literalism double meaning - 6950437376

Weed Just Need You to Stay Still

contraction double meaning Hall of Fame homophone literalism - 5672433920
Created by zero00430

Dear Algebra...

algebra denial double meaning ex find Hall of Fame homophone literalism x y - 6226711552
Via Reddit


double meaning forever alone literalism meme rage comic Rage Comics - 5095982848

He Doesn't Know Who You Are, But He Will Find You and He Will Love You

double meaning Valentines day - 7064236800

How... Thoughtful?

double meaning homophone literalism pair pear - 6621608960
Via Domics


attack double meaning literalism monitor monitored - 4535315968

LEGO Star Wars

cosplay costume double meaning Hall of Fame lego literalism star wars - 6106033152
Created by Vane_275

These Guys Are Most Definitely Raven!

double meaning Hall of Fame homophone literalism Party raven similar sounding - 5764051712
Created by Cuzican

It's Not Bad for a Canine-to-Five, Though

double meaning fence literalism - 6392684544

Ladies and Gentlemen: Math!

real idiom literalism numbers poo double meaning math - 6956869888

Sasha Grey...

colored double meaning literalism star surname - 5967932416

I'm Totally Not Creeped Out By This...

tired bags eyes under literalism double meaning - 6878209536

I'm a Little Upset it's Not Peanut Butter...

candy cup double meaning literalism peanut butter - 5063657984
Created by KillerCake


bounty brand dogs double meaning Hall of Fame literalism show - 5273611264


chrome cookies double meaning literalism meme not Okay rage comic Rage Comics - 5175195392