
double meaning


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It Does Look Pretty Easy to Get to Her End

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Created by Rudedawwg

Socially Awkward Mummified Corpse...

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Created by _C_A_T_

Oh Lord, Gurrrrrrrl

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Created by LadyShirahime93

Such a Colorful Cry

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Via Reddit

It's a Corner We've Already Passed, Actually

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Created by Dubulous

It's All Thanks To Your Choice of Haircare Product

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Created by jackflannery

Best Shirt? Best Shirt.

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Slow and Steady Spares the Shocks

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Created by xyzpdq1

Never Gonna Run Around and Dessert You

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That's a Very Exact Amount, IMO

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Via Epic Ponyz
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That's a Lot of Buildup for Such a Little Pun...

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Even the Church is Stoked for THE BIG GAME!

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A Creature Steeped in Mythos

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Created by rocket-taco ( Via Chooglin )