
double meaning

Awww, You Shouldn't Have!

double meaning Hall of Fame literalism sweet tooth - 6478550784
Via Gemma Correll

'Incorrect' is a Pretty Relative Term if You Ask Me

Chemistry doing it right double meaning Hall of Fame heavy literalism metal misinterpretation symbols - 5849526016
Via Pleated Jeans

Well Played, Sir. Well Played.

ICWUDT π double meaning silent - 6964264960


bale christian christian bale cross double meaning Hall of Fame hay literalism symbol - 5259398144

He's More Sour Than Sweet

bowl double meaning literalism mean - 5596987136

SMP CLASSIC: But Only After He Soiled Himself

classic double meaning fear grow homophone literalism pair pear - 6622232320

Well, I Mean, Yes?

bow double meaning literalism - 6510695424
Created by netsnets ( Via Happy Smart Book )

Know Your Vectors!

double meaning Hall of Fame literalism math planes too soon - 5725005568
Created by anonymous-1

Oh... Now I Understand Why He Kept Calling His Girlfriend a Witch!

revenge literalism sandwich double meaning - 6792147712
Via The Lonely Swan

The Dramatic Pause Really Pushes This Over the Top

cliché csi double meaning literalism rimshot sunglasses well - 5198430720
Created by putmans ( Via www.thedoghousediaries.com )

Does What it Says on the Sign

double meaning instruction language laundry misinterpretation sign - 4963551488
Created by xyzpdq1

A Magical Seal

ultimatum seal suggestion animal double meaning - 7000167680


cake double meaning final Hall of Fame literalism piece test - 4750488320

The Tree Olympics

christmas tree double meaning literalism olympics tree - 6501156864
Via Willa's World


dogs double meaning Hall of Fame hotdog literalism psychology - 5153321984


back to the future catchphrase doc double meaning literalism quote - 4927627520
Created by nbshark