
double meaning

Dope Beets

beats beets double meaning literalism - 6622230784
Via Monday Punday

That Must Have Been Very Hard For You

cliché computer double meaning drive literalism lost - 5804189184
Created by dominicsoh ( Via Pocket Puns )

The Search Has Come to an End

double meaning game ginger Harry Potter literalism magic Ron Weasley search title - 4925104128
Created by sophisticatedperv

Curse You, Spam Mail!

double meaning literalism mail - 5788596224
Created by PeacestarFresh

The Food is Much Betto Down in the Ghetto

double meaning gangsta homophone literalism rap wrap - 6133381376
Via Gemma Correll

Glad He Didn't Stay Glued to His Issues

around double meaning literalism problems - 6532703744
Created by xyzpdq1

I'm Holding Out for Handlebar Potter, Personally

after before double meaning hairy Hall of Fame Harry Potter homophone literalism shaved - 5901554944

Seems Like it Might Come in Handy

brand double meaning dryer explanation literalism program - 3943990528
Created by 707gatos

Girls Gone Wilde

double meaning homophone literalism oscar wilde - 5801428224
Via I Am The Irishman

Dressed With Greens

answer double meaning duck homophone horrible literalism peeking question - 4909631232
Created by microwaveapples

Well This Could Have Turned Out Much Worse, I Suppose...

contraction double meaning draw something literalism pee rooster - 6550637568
Created by Weirdgomita

Teaching You How to Pick Up Chicks

pickup line literalism line pick up double meaning - 6756236800
Created by Pinkielicious


prefix cat literalism double meaning - 6658551552
Created by Ginctm

He Makes My Heart Flutter

coffee do want double meaning Hall of Fame hot innuendo literalism - 5774015488
Created by sytothe

The Bible Supports Evolution!

bible charles darwin Darwin double meaning evolution Hall of Fame literalism - 5136837120
Created by filawigger

It Fits With My 'Dancing is Masochistic' Theory

club double meaning literalism - 5413999616
Created by meme-stream