
double meaning

Does What it Says on the Label

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Created by xyzpdq1 ( Via Cracked )


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That's an Opinion You Can Have About it, Sure...

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Created by Facinelli4ever

But the Pubes Taste Forever

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Created by nuckingfutbar

Red Hot Pepper

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Created by Static_Bunny ( Via The Pepper Pancake )

Word to Your Mother!

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Via Rats Off!

'Incorrect' is a Pretty Relative Term if You Ask Me

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Via Pleated Jeans

Glad He Didn't Stay Glued to His Issues

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Created by xyzpdq1
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A Match Made in Rainbow-Laden Heaven

View Video

You Can Never Be Positive That They're Telling the Truth

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Via Reddit

I Mean, But Isn't It?

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Don't Leave Him Hangin'!

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Via Domics

I Give This Joke a Sub-Zero Rating

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Created by MKM1988

Please, Bring Our Sailors Home

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Created by netsnets ( Via Happy Smart Book )

Tap Dancers

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Created by TomWade

This Practically Doubles as a Flaming Lips Album Cover

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