

Advice Best Heeded

breakfast dangerous double meaning Hall of Fame literalism - 5939168000
Via Sticky Cinema Floor
Company demands that their employee get to work on a broken bike. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/gaarmstrong318 19h 1 4 5 e 4 3 5 VOTE 4 VOTED 2 Broken down bike don't care get here meeting! L Edit people asking this is UK have full motorbike licence with no restrictions. Again thank likes and awards! Also if aren't going say something nice just move on okay? Let's all be decent humans :end edit So this is about just quick bit background exclusively ride motorbikes have not got car licence. LO

Company Demands Employee Get To Work On Broken Bike

Be careful with what you ask your staff to do.
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warning signs that are very scary | KEEP CLEAR UNEXPLODED BOMB | don't be here after dark

Creepy Signs That Make Their Message Clear

Thanks, signs.
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That Damn Salt

salt dangerous - 7416285184
awesome video F1 race car driver takes wife on ride | funny video professional race car driver takes his wife driving and she freaks out

F1 Driver Takes Wife For Ride In Honda Civic, Meltdown Ensues

Ricardo was having way too much fun.
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