

Moo. The cow is a versatile creature. From milk to steak and even cash, they can do it all. But you should definitely buy the cow, no milk is free, and there's no such thing as free lunch. Let out a hoot at these bovine jokes and puns that will have you mooing.


cow facebook literalism ludacris lyric move similar sounding song - 6078138880
Via Obscure for Sure


cow - 4026903552

Don't Have a Cow, Now

answer before cow cows her herbivore question similar sounding - 6210191360
Via Bizarro Comics


bovine cow ludacris lyrics move pejorative song - 4059312128


bovine cow cut meat sir - 4204914688
Created by Unknown

Six Outta Nine Ain't Bad

animal bird bunny cow eel Hall of Fame Owl panda punny whale wolf zebra - 6299866880
Created by sonnetxvii ( Via Pleated Jeans )

Or Just 'Sad'

Bad Joke Eel cow double meaning groan-inducing Hall of Fame jerk literalism - 5844718336
Created by me_gusta_man

What a Cowt-Cast!

wtf cow pun funny - 7806680832


cold cow milk puns udder - 3977207552
Created by Unknown

But Please, Don't Have a Cow!

cow literalism ridiculous similar sounding udder utter - 5104977408
Created by amberwithwings

Cash Cow

cow double meaning idiom literalism - 5650824960
Created by catimacat

Why buy a cow when milk is so cheap? Well, why buy a pig for 4 1/2 inches of sausage?

cow pun wedding - 6556540160
See all captions Created by LaurelPlane

I Wonder if They Rumen-ated Over This Act

cow cows dead moving similar sounding zombie - 6440413952
Created by chech1965

The Milk of Justice

cow milk - 7256844800
Created by Jrsbbusa3000


cow dairy homophone legendary literalism Neil Patrick Harris song - 4921809152

I'll Just Let You Rumen-ate Over This One for a While

cow double meaning homophone homophones literalism - 6098359808
Created by crazygodlessfun
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