
What's cool to you might not be cool to the next person, so make sure you really have a good idea what is in, and what is out.

Old man gets carded and pulls out war ID from the second world war | r/TalesFromRetail Posted by u/Definitely_a_Lizard 5 days ago Some can't take joke, some own Short This is story few years ago, but just found this subreddit and reminded cashier at local supermarket, and have law if alcohol is being bought and cashier estimates someone be under 25, they have ask ID. While offends some people is pretty good way get check an ID and see if someone is over 18 legal age buy alcohol. No ID is also no

Old Man Gets Carded, Has Boss Response

cool sunglasses brownies literalism temperature double meaning classic - 6813087488

SMP CLASSIC: Hella Chill Brownies, Bro

ideas and things that haven't been around for as long as people think | BetterThanHorus 40.1k points 13 hours ago 2 e 32 Hallways weren't widely used until 1800s. Rooms would just open into next room

Things That Are Way Newer Than People Think

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