

Dank Memes, Random Memes, Funny Memes, Spicy Memes, Relatable Memes, Nerdy Memes | almost had heart attack this morning dog with stripes of shadow falling on its fur looking like a tiger | kukukraut 3h 1 Award Interesting fact: Betty White used be Betty Grey until she fought Balrog and reborn.

40 Zesty Memes For The Bitter Soul

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birds double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame literalism troll trolling - 4892866816

The Perfect Place to Go For All Your Blue-Footed Booby Needs

birds double meaning groan-inducing Hall of Fame similar sounding text message texting - 5665478400
Created by G.S.


animals birds puns tweet - 3675702784
Created by Icanhasacheezbuger

He's Just Callin' 'Em As He Sees 'Em

ass birds donkey double meaning literalism - 5013747200
Created by Formyyaoi

Jokes Like That Won't Fly in Space

Via Pinkamenace

Wireless Technology

bird birds comic double meaning literalism technology weird - 4791729664
Created by Jambon-X


birds homophone homophones pray - 4317233664
Created by AdmiralAbortion ( Via artistshoppe.threadless.com )

CSI ASCII is My New Favorite ASCII

Horatio Cane - Tree - about an hour ago via moble i I guess even ducks like shade too sometimes :p Tag Photo Add Location Edit Like Comment Unfollow Post Share Edt This is the problem in America, these socialists think the shade is there for everyone to use. I CRY FOWL about an hour ago Lke Wow you just went full with that pun ip about an hour ago Uke Even my dad groaned about an hour ago Lke And said "what does St know, he's a quack."headdesk about an hour ago Like You seem to have hit your hea
Via Reddit

i was winging it

variations on a theme texting text birds bird - 6684936448
Created by Misa
Funny meme about dogs, animals, siblings, girlfriends, dating, raccoons, birds, cats, money, work, cooking.

35 Hilarious Memes To Help You Over The Hump

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It's All Pun and Games Until Both Birds Go Hungry

funny facebook puns BBC headline


adage bird birds classic confused old wrong - 4397589760


angry birds birds Hall of Fame literalism similar sounding song Theme Song trolling - 5051029760
Guy feeds the crows, so the crows get back at bully neighbors for him | r/pettyrevenge u/tempthethrowaway Feathered Friends High Places Not sure if this belongs here, so let know ok? TL;DR: Had issues with neighbor over parking. Local crows l'd made friends with vandalized his cars retaliation. So background day moved into this apartment complex our across hall neighbors started bullying us. Why parked handicap spot next sidewalk building. Why handicapped.

Guy Feeds Crows, Crows Get Back At Bully Neighbors For Him

Crows can be awesome.
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birds puns visual weather - 3609252864
Created by ktweastell
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