

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

TV gets damaged in transit, so company proceeds to lose millions | r/ProRevenge Join u/Champion5 3y Damage my TV transit and deny claim? No more shipments Not sure if this is "Pro" quality but some have asked post this here since they think is. 10 years ago moved my job had forgot about one my TV's back home and asked my dad ship on my companies account since they paid my move couple days later delivery driver Shipping Company drops off box heavily damaged so didn't sign He waited while

TV Gets Damaged In Transit, Company Loses Millions

Should've just coughed up that money.
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People describe the small things that enrage them to no end | ttcmzx 14h 2 Awards People blocking grocery aisles with zero spatial awareness Reply 3.0k

Small Things That Push People's Rage Through The Roof

From 0 to 100.
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Cringe, Funny Cringe, Funny Memes, Social Media, Facebook, Reddit, Facepalm, Funny Comments, Cringetopia | collected all legs roaches live my house and finally created my masterpieces y these are jumbo flying roach legs are now sale they're itchy but cute | Weed adaed Tolaze itl Ph?c-An 47 minutes ago Like A2 man did u photoshop ur eyes Dominik No photoshop, only quality weed my friend

20+ Cringeworthy & Eye-roll Inducing Internet Moments

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Guy ends up besting a dodgy travel insurer to the tune of over $9K.

Guy Bests Dodgy Travel Insurer To The Tune Of $9K

Good for him.
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A collection of clever comebacks from spicy silvertongues | Mikey why are so sad? There's so much goodness world don't know Ava why do have asthma there's so much air world

Radical Retorts From Clever Wordsmiths

Always ready for a good old clever comeback.
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A collection of basic skills that people are completely terrible at.

Basic Skills People Are Completely Terrible At

We all have our weak spots.
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Best dank memes of the week, johnny depp, joe biden | Kanye West with 0.00000375 votes Jo Jorgensen with 1.2 votes Deez Nuts with. 9 votes megalodon eating a shark eating a diver | too broke afford PS5 My girlfriend offering give 500 money she got on her OnlyFans account Overwatch

The Dank Drop: 20 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (11-7 to 11-13)

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Woman puts a birthday hat on her neighbor's year old pumpkin | WIBTA if put birthday hat on my neighbor's pumpkin? Not hole Obligatory on mobile, apologies any formatting issues share porch with one neighbor, who is notorious not cleaning up after herself or her kids example, one time there broken longboard sitting right front their door they would step over every day get into their unit 7 months, they just ignored until one day asked oldest kid (15M please clean up. He's good kid and instantly

Woman Puts Birthday Hat On Neighbor's Year Old Pumpkin

A definite bold move.
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A power tripping assistant manager gets put in her place | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/fredzred 176d 1 "Clean store TOP BOTTOM. Don't leave until do yes boss L This happened worked retail around 2005 15 working at very small grocery store and although small store were always busy, as near popular beach and along highway rest area night before, l'd worked 12am until 6am packing shelves (there huge delivery coming had be stocked next day offered double time pay shift so jumped at chance work

Power Tripping Assistant Manager Gets Put In Check

Fran had to go.
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