

Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Music funny memes Memes funny puns - 5405957

26 Music Memes To Make Your World Go Round

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Funny meme about dogs, animals, siblings, girlfriends, dating, raccoons, birds, cats, money, work, cooking.

35 Hilarious Memes To Help You Over The Hump

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Funny random memes, dank memes, 2020 memes, marvel memes, lord of the rings memes, nerdy meme | 10-year-old is gifted class reads at high school level is pretty good at math has bright future Depression: CK about end this man's whole career | My crush flirting with and trying get my attention knowing damn well dream

50 Memes Because There's Probably Nothing Better To Do

Let's be real.
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funny cat memes

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #49

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funny memes, random memes, dank memes, shitposts, funny, memes, 2020 memes, dogs, cats, stupid memes | Benadryl Allergy can't sneeze if unconscious | Report: Florida man arrested tossing gator into Wendy's by: Jonathan Tully, Palm Beach Post Updated: Feb 8, 2016 5:46 PM Joshua James II

44 Random & Funny Internet Things For Short Attention Spans

Hallelujah for memes
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Funny memes, tweets and tumblr posts, 2020 memes, clever tweets, twitter memes | If 2020 hula hoop barbed wire wrapped in a circle | after smashing three baskets chips at Mexican restaurant and then my entree comes out Tired Spongebob

Amusing Memes & Tweets For Maxing And Relaxing

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lots of dad joke memes and web comics to celebrate father's day.

32 Dad Jokes In Celebration of Father's Day

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Father Forgive Me for I Have Punned

adele puns Memes - 8818849792
Via PrincessWordplay
nice wholesome memes | TODD SPENCE @Todd Spence Actual photo service dogs watching Billy Elliot Musical as part their behaving theater training. My heart can't take | bro love is so strong earth rewards two men in hard hats holding heart shaped rocks

Wholesome Memes to Keep The Feels Intact

Things can still be nice.
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funny times particular people and things were singled out | WORK CENTER HAS BEEN ACCIDENT FREE SINCE JOE LEFT | Abbie Cheeseman @cheesemanab Scientists have discovered on occasions, an octopus will "punch fish no reason other than "spite" Octopuses are ocean thugs punch fish

Humorous Times People and Things Were Singled Out Unfairly

Oh come on, really?
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funny memes, funny, movie memes, movies, memes, star wars, wall e, leonardo dicaprio, shrek, twilight, mulan, harry potter, lion king, batman v superman, fast and furious, lord of the rings, titanic | Rich girl lets poor man freeze death. | bald guy teams up with another bald guy fight another bald guy

Badly Explained Movie Plots That Are Technically True

Spoilers that aren't really spoilers
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funny jokes from twitter and tumblr | Dee @figgled 's kinda fucked musicians eat sandwiches by placing them inside trombones and honking them into each other's mouths 18/4/17, 12:32 pm skirtsuit-angel this is an example defamiliarization, where something totally normal, conventional, and ordinary like honkwiching is taken and described as something sounds weird and foreign Source: memewhoreMehGyver @AndrewNadeau0 | After leaving Willy Wonka's factory WIFE WIFE WIFE: Lot deaths LOT deaths tour!

Funny Tumblr Moments and Sweet Ripened Tweets

Thy cup overfloweth.
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funny memes about history, european history, war memes, religion memes | Life: Greek philosophers TELL WHY | Nazi Germany Soviet Union Poland cat surrounded by two other cats

38 History Memes For People Who Prefer The Past

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Cynical and dark webcomics filled with puns

21 Dark And Pun-Filled Comics From Rock, Paper, Cynic

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Dirty meme compilation video of the top-ten best sexy memes videos from Youtube

Top Ten Dirty Memes Compilation Videos

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Funny memes and tweets about coronavirus and quarantine, working from home | working home Can cover l'm gonna go take nap My dog girlsthinkimfunn | getting extra done up grocery stop b/c 's only time go out anymore woman in pink dress at the vegetable aisle

Quarantine Memes For Everyone Still In The Struggle

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