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46 Funny Random Memes For Avid Scrollers

Merry Christmas!
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interesting and valuable things people found in the trash | Handwriting - Duck-Yo-Couch 2 days ago Once I found a perfectly good stationary bike that my neighbors threw out that I cleaned up then used for years. Can't believe this day comes only 52 times a year.

The Best Stuff People Found In The Garbage

One person's trash is another person's very valuable, useful trash.
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She Often Feels Like She's Sensodying

double meaning literalism - 6240622080
Via Gemma Correll


literalism psychology - 4346049024

So Relaxing

drawing puns - 7651526656
Via mitosis-is-yourtosis

Live and Let Dry

laundry james bond puns facebook - 7951922688

I Think it Could Be Fuller, TBH

brand cereal double meaning idiom life literalism name - 5796832768
Created by MrOreoman

That's His Secret

pun avengers - 7866838528
Twitter thread on canned chicken and English and American food | Francisco Garcia @Ffranciscodgf Always mad Americans talk down British food because don't do fluffernutters just right like their mommy does, yet this is normal and also somehow legal them kitchens Sweet Sue Canned Whole Chicken PLE FAL HOME ST GOOD Fully Cooked

Cultures Clash In Canned Chicken Thread

Goodbye food pyramid, hello food cylinder.
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file image literalism Movie piracy saving title torrenting - 4343119616

He Picked Himself Up by His Clawstraps

bare bear building double meaning hands homophone literalism - 6567777536
Via Reddit


darth vader star wars - 4145471488


catchphrase chewbacca franchise holiday literalism obi-wan kenobi quote similar sounding slogan star wars yoda - 4725874944

Because a Good Breakfast Always Brings the Family Together

bread breakfast Hall of Fame homophone homophones in inbred lolwut taste - 5492880896
Created by RazorShader


duck flying literalism Movie plane rhyme rhyming Samuel L Jackson snakes snakes on a plane title - 4343843584
Created by Dashy_Laice

Does He Bake Hot Crossed Puns?

pun Memes Raptor - 8797432576
Via Xaiydee