

dice letters literalism spelling suffix - 5305420800
Created by Unknown

Drop the Beet

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Created by Jrsbbusa3000 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Heisenberg is a Shear Genius

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Via Liz Climo
Funny and relatable memes about coding, developers, programming | MY COWORKERS WATCHING DEPLOY A SMALL FIX ON A FRIDAY Get ready everyone, he's about do something stupid. Homer Simpson | Front-end Back-end man taking photo with a toilet seat that looks like he's on a plane

Relatable Programming Memes For Exhausted Coders

Memes for the tech brainiacs out there
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funny mad lads who broke small rules and did tricky shenanigans | rev. dylan @DylanRoss my 11 year ban yahoo chess expires today Rnnme Dlavare Nnline Fallure Connect EDIT have failed connect following reason have been barred logging into this room until Thu Dec 31 23:59:59 PST 2020. oms rom this lis OK Giraffe Field

Mad Lads Who Didn't Let The World Get In Their Way

Sometimes you've gotta risk it all.
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Introducing, The Teleturbies!

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How Many Birds Can You Kill With One Stone?

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Created by Kraken42
nintendo, wii, wii sports, gaming, gamers, funny memes, nerdy memes, stupid memes, mario kart, super smash bros | my 10 year old ass trying play Wii Sports fantasy painting | Are wii gonna best switch up have problem? attitude Wije WiiU Wii

25 Nintendo Wii Memes For Nostalgic Gamers

Happy Anniversary to Wii!
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One of the Most Monumental Court Cases Ever

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Created by jackcrackspackle
reddit showerthoughts that are worth pondering | r/Showerthoughts Posted by u/wolfencastle 5 days ago S In the movie Birdbox, seeing as animals aren't affected, guide dogs would be the most valuable animal companion to have over a bird

26 New Shower-Thoughts From This Past Week For You To Consume And Digest

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Created by Unknown
ruining a first date memes

Ruining a First Date in 4 Words is Easier Than You think

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Ridiculous entitled people and their absurd demands. | Hi want get my lashes done with but just wanted say first don't want talk during appointment due fact clearly do not like as person just like work and work only need an appointment tomorrow morning put down 10 AM | ate here first time tonight brisket probably best ever had but found an entire LEAF my baked beans cannot make this up So glad enjoyed brisket guessing never seen bay leaves food before? If see them future can rest assured is sign

Entitled People With Their Childish Demands

It never stops.
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These Bovines Are in the Weeds

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This Looks Like a Lot of Bull

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